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We provide online tutoring for
All students

What's this?

With Project Jaguar’s Rent-a-Teacher program, you can get a highly qualified, degreed educator that will focus on guiding you through every idea, nuance, and a few your courses. They can dovetail your existing classes and lesson to make sure that you are learning what you need to know.

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What We Provide?

Here's a bit of what our Rent-a-Teacher Program involves

Qualified Teachers

We run background checks and handpick tutors for our Rent-a-Teacher Program.

Affordable Pricing

The PJaguar Rent-a-Teacher Program is an innovative way to learn. It allows you the same powerful educational resources that other might have had but without even a fraction the expense.

Tutor Switch

Unsatisfied with your tutor? You can switch your tutor at any time during a tutoring session.

Flexible Schedule

If you have a tight schedule, you can fit our Rent-a-Teacher tutoring program into whatever times are convenient to you. There are no time constraints.

Tests and Quizzes

We will use Schquiz to track your progress throughout our program with periodic tests and quizzes. The grades are stored and evaluated overtime. Your parents or anyone else with access can view your progress to watch the overtime benefit of our Rent-a-Teacher Program.

Resolution Centre

Having problems with your tutor? Reach out to one of our representatives to resolve a conflict. We are avaliable 24/7.

Join our professional team &
start tutoring today

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